Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Indie Game Art Styles

Though I don't have all of the time in the world to experiment with art styles, I do want to look at some different things.

Alto's Adventure has a very simple art style with the foreground standing out very well from the background. The contrast and lighting looks great and helps lead the viewer's eye to the right (in this screenshot at least) which is the direction the player has to go in which makes sense composition-wise.

Monument Valley also has a very unique style and all of the staircases remind me of an Escher piece. It uses flat colours which at first glance makes the game look almost as if it was 2D. The flat colours also help make each part of the environment stand out and make navigating much easier.

Sword and Sworcery uses a very 'pixel art' style, but still stands out. The shapes follow less rules than usual pixel art games, and the lack out outlines helps to make everything look more natural. The lighting feels almost realistic and really helps to set the atmosphere.

These all show that a lot of extra textures and tiny details aren't always necessary to make a nice looking game, so I'd like to keep that in mind as I work.

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