Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Pr03: Initial Tests

I found trying out this style of pixel art very fun, which is promising. Paying attention to the tiny details helped to make some interesting textures and shapes. It was also interesting to see the difference dark outlines could make; the trees look quite natural without any outlines below, whereas I feel like the outline around the house makes it feel much more stylised.

I decided to try drawing a landscape using the pencil tool but not worrying about where to put the pixels and just draw. I also tested out a colour scheme different to what I would usually use, and I do like it; it could be good to help achieve quite a surreal atmosphere. I think that this method of drawing with pixels looks boring though. That may be partly because it is unfinished and lacks a lot of smaller detail, but I just don't feel as though it has as much going for it.

I enjoyed doing this one a lot, especially the carpet texture, but using a few different style references was a bad idea. The bed is too flat, and should follow the same perspective as the rest of the room. Despite that, it was interesting to do and using a lot more blocks of colours with pixelised edges rather than lots of tiny pixel details gives it a different feel to the above styles.

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