Wednesday 22 January 2014

Web Animations

Bravest Warriors is a webseries on Youtube made by Frederator Studios. The series itself was created by Pendleton Ward, the creature of adventure time, which is evident in the series' style.

Bravest Warriors is targeted at an older audience than Adventure Time and other Cartoon Network shows, which is a possibly a reflection on how accessible Adventure Time is to everyone, rather than just their intended audience of children. With Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park etc, I think that adults watching cartoons is a lot more acceptable; especially with the internet now, it's easy to find cartoons that aren't just for children.

Netflix, Lovefilm and services online providing people with easier access to TV shows online are growing bigger, meaning that people don't even need TVs anymore to be able to watch popular shows. I think that creating shows just for the internet works, and that the audience online is only growing.

Adventure Time uses hand drawn animation, so I would assume that Bravest Warriors is created in the same way, even though a lot of online cartoons now are usually completely animated in Flash.

I like how this series is aimed at an older audience - I think that makes it less limited in terms of the content and animation within the show. I also think that diversity in online cartoons is easier to achieve, with less people in positions of power deciding what is and what isn't going to sell; the internet provides more freedom to do what you want, and to tell the stories you want to without having to resort to stereotypes and certain limits in order to sell.

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