Thursday 13 February 2014

Tom and Jerry Sound Effects

This chase/fight scene on Tom and Jerry has a lot of emphasis on movement, so most of the sounds used correlate to this. From the start there's the sound of extremely quick running, before the sound of Tom being thrown into a pillar. Throwing a cat at a hard surface wouldn't usually make that noise, but the sound effect they chose to use puts emphasis on the force used and the violence between Tom and the Bulldog. As Tom and Jerry run off again, the Bulldog has to turn around, and begin running. There is a slight delay between the movement of the Bulldog running and the next speedy sound effect used, putting emphasis on the a lag between him generating enough force to run, and actually running. This is to make his actions seem much more extreme, for both a comedic effect and the sense of danger that Tom is in.

There is then a scene where all 3 characters are hitting each other with baseball bats. To stop the cartoon from becoming too violent for it's audience, the bat hits are all given a different pitch and timed to create a kind of tune, turning the scene back to comedy.

Quiet, calmer music is put in the background when there is a non-violent scene, creating a ore mellow effect. This is mostly used to contrast the other scenes which use sound to show a lot of the actual action and movement going on. The quieter music allows us to concentrate on the dialogue and to absorb what has happened in the faster scenes. I think this approach works, but I think that there are probably better ways to tell stories than through repetitive action and sound effects that just set the scene and have no solid plot, but that might be a reflection of the audience it is aimed at, which is not me.

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