Saturday 12 October 2013

Basic Animation - Study Task

"Building upon your flip book experiences you will begin to translate some of the ideas and concepts learnt onto screen"

First example - Squash and Stretch. I really like how this came out, and the Jigglypuff seems to be extremely squishy which is good, but I think I've actually squashed it out too much when it hits the top - something to think about for the next time, or for a revision of this.

Squash and Stretch with Timing and Spacing was also fun, making the Pokeball bounce across the screen using more frames at the start and end to slow down the movement, putting more emphasis on the drop and bounce back up, to make it seem extra bouncy.

Last is  making a pendulum, to explore Ease In and Ease Out. I used a lot more frames with smaller gaps between them at the end to make it look like the pendulum is slowing down. It's less of an actual pendulum movement than I was actually supposed to do, so I've reworked it below.

Here's some proper pendulum movement. It took a few more frames than |I thought to get a smoother movement (and could be smoother still) but I think it's worked quite well. After finding the 'Make Frames From Layers' button, I'm not quite as put off with animating in photoshop anymore.

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