Saturday 12 October 2013


"Using a range of storyboarding processes and techniques you are to identify a nursery rhyme and develop a set of storyboards to visualise it. This should consist of no more than 12 panels and should be rendered in a media of your choice. When developing this you should consider how shot composition, lighting and camera movement may affect the overall communication of the storyboards.You can choose any nursery rhyme you like and you should break it down into key frames that describe the action that is taking place. You should annotate the storyboard and you can/should add arrows to indicate any actions or camera movement."

The nursery rhyme I have chosen to do is Incy Wincy Spider (Or Itsy Bitsy Spider or whatever you want to refer to it by). It's a nice, simple nursery rhyme that I know that I thought could be decent for trying out.

I used post-it notes which were a very good ideas; I had to switch some around and replace panels a fair few times before I was happy with how the story flowed.

I did a cleaned up version for annotation and coloring, but I still wouldn't mind editing it more, so I have scanned it onto my laptop to finish digitally, which will let me move any images around and resize (or at least scale down) anything that needs it.

Working with such a small subject is awkward - I feel like I would have had more room to move, and more of a variety of shots of I was working with something bigger or a person, but at least now I know for next time.

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