Friday 15 January 2016

PR01: Visual Research - Older Characters

The get ideas of how to draw some of the older characters, I'm looking at some older characters from eastern animations to think about their proportions and how the style is kept consistent with different styles of characters.

In Kiki's Delivery Service above, the woman is an adult, though not necessarily a middle aged, and her face isn't in that much different proportions than Kiki. I think, if you put her head on a much smaller body, she would look a similar to Kiki.

The older male characters in Porco Rosso all have much more defined noses. Their eyes aren't drastically different from the usual Ghibli style of eyes, although are obviously smaller compared to  child's. Some don't actually have that much more space in between the nose and the eyes compared to Kiki which is interest; it seems that a lot of the age on their faces comes more from the finer details like laugh lines, jaw/chin shape and facial hair.

In Spirited Away, the characters seem to have very similar sized eyes as well, although the difference here is a lot more obvious when it comes to the distance between the eye and the nose. I think this is in part because of how small the noses are; they definitely would look more childish if the eyes were closer to the nose. The focus here is definitely on the face shape.

One Piece uses narrower eyes and again lots of definition to make characters seem older, but the distance between the eyes and nose is not that drastic.

The Wind Rises does the same, but manages to make the character not look as drastically old, like the character from Fairy Tail below. This is possibly in part because of the lack of facial hair, but also the cheek definition. Though it is obvious that he has at least semi-defined cheekbones, they don't affect his facial structure quite as much, and this makes his face a bit less extreme.

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