Sunday 24 January 2016

Richard Raskin - Story Design in the Short Fiction Film (1/2)

Short film theorist

Character Focus <---> Character Interaction
- The best short films make it clear from the start who's story it is, helping audience know the relative important of anything happening
- Usually one character's story, sometime two which can mean greater challenges and lower chance of success
- Char focus takes on full value with character interaction - doesn't have to involve conflict
- Balance involves interplay of character focus with interaction

Causality <---> Choice
- Causality flows from the choice characters make and this is what drives the story forward, while at the same time making those characters more interesting in our eyes

Consistency <---> Surprise
- Once a character is defined, they must stay consistent with their initial definition
- May have learned something meaningful by the end but must stay the same character, only their situation has changed ----- as opposed to long film with character development.
- Viewer shouldn't be able to guess what will happen next - chars should exhibit the same attributes from start to end but still behave unpredictably

Sound <---> Image
- Many possibilities in sound incl chars making sound or responding to sound
- Becomes the action at key points, not just backdrop

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