Friday 11 March 2016

PR02: Cowboy Architecture Experiments (2/2)

I really liked the idea of a bookshelf over a corner of the wall - for some reason this looks really good in my sketches, and could she the Hunter's stupidity in not utilising the space in his office properly.

I feel like the box shapes help to keep it small and contained, and then obscuring the corners with furnitures helps the make the room even smaller, as do the TVs. The TVs help again with adding something modern to the room, and I feel like it would be a good resource for the bounty hunter, news/information-wise. I knew straight away that he would have a sofa on one side of the desk, because that's the sort of person he is - comfort is more important to him than seeming professional, so the furniture might more 'interesting' and not like what you may find in an office.

I tested out adding more walls to make an octagonal shape but this didn't seem to work for the Hunter's office, and manages to undo the cluttered-ness. I wanted to keep the door directly in front of the sofa and desk, as the Hunter would enjoy being the first thing that anyone entering the room can see. Having a window behind him stops any glare from affecting his eyes and at times could silhouette the hunter, giving him a very dramatic look which he would enjoy. The glare might still hit the TV, but my feedback said that the TVs looked awkward on the walls so I traded that for a map with Wanted posters around it, which actually helps towards the Bounty Hunter idea and shows his working process. The room also looks nicer with two similar bookshelves rather than one being a smaller shelf than the other, so I think that the bottom right drawing is probably the closest to what I want.

I wasn't sure what kind of chair exactly to have at first - the Hunter seems like he would be tempted by armchairs rather than normal chairs, but he doesn't have to make his guests' seats as comfortable as his own.

I got to the pointier chair design and really liked it - I think that it works alongside his design, since the hunter is very pointy too, and it shows a lot of personality and attitude. I experimented a little with sofa versions of this until I found both a chair and sofa that worked together.

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