Saturday 11 April 2015

Tales of the City Ideas 3

Another idea I had when trying to look up other ways of telling stories in not many images was of having a large, still image showing a basic shot of a city, but as the viewer's eyes are guided through it, changing to how it might be over time - for example, if a city was bright and bustling in the early 30s, the image might take us through a city street or similar gradually getting darker and less populated until some of the houses/shop/street is completely gone and maybe other little details to show the effect that WW2 had on the place.

I'm not sure that that is the sort of subject matter I want to go for, but something like that could definitely tell a good story if I could work out the layout.

So far I have 4 ideas - changing the time throughout one illustration, a series of illustrations of the same place each different slightly in time until the last no longer looks like the first, or a series of three images showing first the place, people interacting in the place, and a close up on detail. Another is showing a cross-section of a few different places in a city, showing what different people are doing and how different places look, again maybe splitting it between class or residential/industry but some of that might focus more on the characters than the city itself. I like all of these ideas, so hopefully collecting some visual research on cities and artists might help me to decide on which idea would be most fun to do.

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