Sunday 12 April 2015

Tales of the City Research 1

I gathered all of my research on Pinterest so that is was easier to compare and examine some of the things that I found. Not everything worked from a narrative point of view, but it was useful to see a lot of different styles of illustration that works well for backgrounds.

One of the images I found that tells a story really well is this one showing a city's evolution through time. It shows the progression of the cityscape well, with each iteration becoming taller and more shaped. Using four images is simple enough to show the differences clearly between each time period - any more might be too much, but any less could possibly get confusing.

I love the sense of life and personality that these two illustrations give - they aren't just buildings in the middle of the city, and each little section of the building is different. They show what the sort of people who live there are like, what they do, and what happens there. Creating a series of these illustrations from around the city would be a fun project if I had time - unless I could portray it in just one or two images. Many more windows would be needed, but telling the story of the city through the residents there could be interesting as long as I didn't get too carried away with characters rather than the city itself.

Another image I really like from these is this one. It shows a few different places, rather than just one, but the visual style of the images make them seem so interesting and lively. You can get a good feel for what the place is like just from the colours and how busy it is. This could work well to tell a tale of the city, with a couple of images of different parts of the same city.

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