Wednesday 10 February 2016

PR02: Background Test 1

Despite not knowing the exact kind of backgrounds that I want yet, I wanted to test out some ideas and techniques beforehand to get an idea of how everything could look.

Flat unlined colours are my first idea, since the characters themselves will have quite heavy lines and need to stand out enough. I'm unsure about the hales used and the difference between the highlights and  mid tones, but they may look better in a more finished version. Still, the shape of shadows etc are boring despite the reference I used, so it could be worth taking a look at weirder, more different ways of incorporating shadows later on.

Darker shadows looked absolutely awful on this. There may be a better way to incorporate these but since I want to keep this simple, I am going to move straight on front his idea.

Adding lines made the background structure stand out more which I liked, and which may have helped with the darker shades if I'd have wanted to continue on with them. I don't want the background to stand out too much, but I do think that they look nice so I'd like to consider them along with some other techniques.

Adding gradients definitely made the background more interesting; the lighting looks more realistic and the contrast is much nicer between the sky and the rocks, especially in terms of saturation. I definitely like the idea of using gradients, and I think that they could help with the atmosphere too as bright weather is definitely an important thing around this place.

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