Monday 1 December 2014

Goblins Vs Gnomes



Create your own Goblin or Gnome inspired by Hearthstone's new expansion pack, GOBLINS VS GNOMES, and include the invention they would use to confuse, confound or explode their opponents.

Pick as your Inspiration the measured ingenuity of the Gnomes or the trademarked fearlessness of the goblins.

Make a new invention or reinterpret an old one.

- Portrait or illustration of a single goblin or gnome character with one of their mischievous inventions. Any visual medium excluding cosplay, photography or moving images.
At least 2000px in it's shortest length + jpg
Ends 11:59(pt) December 14 2014
This sounds like a fun brief to do - I don't tend to draw creatures very often, but it is something that would be useful for both animation and games. Weaponry/inventions would also be interesting to think about, although this will involve a lot of research on what they are like/how they are used in the actual game themselves. I will have to bear in mind the skill of the competition - of course there will be a lot of less than stellar entrants with the competition being hosted by DeviantArt, but there are also a lot of fantastic digital painters on there that will be entering this competition; I would need to make sure that my designs would stand out to both DeviantArt viewers and the other judges of the competition to have a chance of winning although my main concern, as with the rest on the Responsive briefs will be to give myself a lot more options for filling out my portfolio.

There aren't actually many deliverables, and what they want isn't really enough to put in it, I don't think - I might look for some contests that ask for turnarounds and expression sheets just to makes sure that I am actually producing enough usable material to show off my design skills. I could always do that for this project anyway, but I think that I would need to compare the brief to others I've found recent so that I can decide how to prioritise my time - a lot of briefs are ending around the same time, so unfortunately I can't do them all.

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