Monday 15 December 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy - Chris Pratt

Music is a very important thing for Guardians of Galaxy - one of the opening scenes above makes sure of that.

Chris Pratt plays galactic treasure hunter Peter Quill, a fun, lovable character who just doesn't take life too seriously. This is reflected in the soundtrack of the film - which also happens to feature on the playlist of Quill's walkman. I feel like his character's personality matches with the type of music; fun, bubbly, living in the moment, but with a hint of sadness and and regret to match his past.

Pratt makes the first scene hilarious while showing us the character's personality, giving us a good idea of what the audience is getting themselves in for. Not only does he dance in what seems to be a serious situation - treasure planet on an unknown, dangerous planet - but he makes use of his surroundings for extra humor - A lizard like creature being used as a microphone, for example. Add that to just how much fun it looks like he's having, and it is a really great scene. It seems genuine, like Pratt is this character, and maybe that is one of the things that makes it so believable.

A lot of later scenes in the film are great with the dialogue and timing - something that the other characters tend to do well, so that it isn't only the lead getting the good comedy moments. Another of the best scenes, though, is this;

Even though the audience clearly knows the character by now, this was still an unexpected scene - especially right around the climax of the film. It just adds that much more personality to the film itself, and was one of the better comedy moments I have seen in cinema for a while.

Of course, having this scene from the blooper reel would have made it even better.

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