Saturday 7 February 2015

Collaborative Practice

For the second study task of the module, we are collaborating with a fellow student. I decided to work with another animator in case I do want to do a project involved with animating; if I chose an illustrator, I would more likely be stuck doing 100% of the animating, and since I would much rather focus on design then illustration, that wouldn't be the smartest move for me. I also chose someone who's style and work ethic is very good, and who enjoys making similar things to me. This should make the whole project much easier, especially since we know what hours each other are likely to be free and being on the same course, we have a lot more chances to meet in uni.

After looking at a few different briefs, we settled on one pretty easily - WeTransfer. WeTransfer is an company that sells online storage space - up to 2GB. Their brief is to create an illustrated version of yourself in 10 years time. Though there is no specific purpose of this illustration, the brief says that it is 'designed to simulate creativity, self-promotion and discovery, so be as expressive as possible and make it count'. This is a good opportunity to look into the future and imagine what the world could look like, as well as being fun and letting me speculate about my future. We picked this brief because ultimately, it works as a character design brief, and would be great to put into my portfolio. I can experiment with the style if I want to and think about different colour palettes, as there really seems to be no limit.

As this seems to be more of a one person brief, Grace and I have decided to do much of the development work separately, both concentrating on ourselves, and then merge them together at one stage to make a hybrid of the two of us. Though the brief is not specifically asking for this, it isn't specifying not to either. It would make it interesting to see how well our ideas may or may not merge and will give me some experience in working with someone with a similar practice to mine, as opposed to me getting all of the freedom in the design section, which I think will be a good experience.

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